Being the official, sanctioned, most righteous blog of the man who finally put the US Senate in its place. The A Stands For Awesome
Friday, December 30, 2005
The War on New Years
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Why I'm the Perfect Loyal Nominee

Remember Mike Luttig? You know, the guy who was the alleged "front-runner" for the Supreme Court vacancy, whom I passed by because GWB's advisors feared he was too conservative to win confirmation?
Well he just ruled against the president in the Padilla case. Apparently he thinks there are limits to the power of the CHIEF EXECUTIVE to imprison people.
Maybe he's just bitter he didn't get the nod, but maybe he really is a traitor. Don't worry George, when I take the bench, I promise a blank check -- Luttig will be the first one thrown in "the Hole."
Death, death, row your boat
My take on the matter is that it would be a mercy killing. Kick it upstairs, California, I'll be ready to pull the switch from seat #7 myself.
Friday, December 23, 2005
That's Not Even News
You already knew this. You can't claim it's news. Did anyone really not get the memo?
After all, if you don't believe it when my mom says it, when can you believe it?
Can't wait to have the right plaintiff to overturn this case, by the way. I want to right the decision in Rove v. Roe v. Wade.
UPDATE: "News" that I have made arguments in favor of limitless government wiretaps is only being made hooey of now because of unrelated news events. No one made a fuss when I bragged about it in my senate questionnaire in November. This is why I can't wait to be above the law and outside the news cycle.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Walking in the Cold

I don't really care about secret wiretaps, or presidential speeches, or any of these so-called "scandals." But I really feel for the people of New York, having to walk to work, just like their mayor once did. Back when we had the real constitution in place (the one that's now in Exile), it was perrfectly legal to just line up the strikers and have them all shot.
I look forward to restoring that power to the state, so everyone can get to work on time and stay productive.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
I don't even own Merck!
Okay, okay, they only reported false income because they were frankly idiots. They were not in fact smart enough to do it in order to make the stock price rise.
Another Bunch of Hypocrites

Above, someone who cares.
I'm confused. Aren't the lefties the ones that want me to restrict Congress? Isn't Congress made up of Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, and the other alleged villains? It makes my head hurt.
I'm It?
1) I have no "weird" habits. My understanding of the word "weird" is traditional, and connected intimately with the weird sisters. I practice no witchcraft.
2) People think I have ruled a lot about abortion, but the truth of the matter is I have not. Most of my so-called "abortion cases" are actually employment cases or immigration cases, where I allowed asylum for Chinese women who would otherwise have been subject to state-mandated aboritons.
3) I'm still casting about for an OYEZ BASEBALL player for my seat on the court. Feel free to comment or email suggestions.
Okay, now I'm off to tag Rosemary, Ollie, and of course Patrick J. Fitzgerald.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Run for Your Life

As I write in the memo, "any fleeing felon rule . . . must be simple enough for an officer to apply in a split second and at a moment of great stress."
If he runs, boy, shoot him! clearly meets this standard. And it would have prevented the travesty shown above as well.
Friday, December 09, 2005
The Curse of Celebrity

As an old-school traditionalist, I can't understand why carrying the groceries in from the car can't be enough exercise for that woman.
I think my daughter has put her up to it. According to her, "Pilates is totally passee."
So another chunk of my $2.12 million is going to have to be wasted on this. Makes me wish I'd given her permission to have that abortion.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
But it IS my America
I understand if people don't like me, or mock my blog, or whatever, but leave it to the hard-core lefties to actually try to kick me out of the country.
These folks have gotten it into their head that "my" America is "Not Our America." So I guess they want me to leave. I am going to be big-hearted and let them know that I will let almost anyone live in "my" America, so long as they keep their wine glasses on coasters.
In any event, you can go check them out if you want to see middling animation that will convince plenty of undergraduates that I am the Devil Incarnate.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Wait 'Till Next Year

So I had to learn from Fitz that I'm not on the short list for the "Person" of the Year award.
Not that I mind. I won't start leaving my mark until February at the earliest.
But I've started a campaign -- just as we waited every winter in my youth for the Brooklyn Dodgers' next year, and how I must wait again now that my Phillies have lost Billy Wagner, I will bide my time.
And I will be ready.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

This "Holiday Season," some of my friends at the Committee for Justice have made an ad telling everyone how much I love Christmas. (I have to admit, they are a little late in voicing their support).
I furthermore admit to no lower boundary when evaluating Religious displays. So long as God is included, I will find anything, even the living Nativity at the Radio City Christmas Spectacular or the Holy Mother Grilled Cheese Sandwich, protected by the full force of the law of the land.
So Ruled.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
A Done Deal

No word yet on whether they have picked a player for me yet for Oyez Baseball. To vote for my player, be sure to email me.
I personally vote for Barry Bonds, because I too am on The Juice.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Here's to all of my Friends
One Woman has had her own unpleasant experience with upsetting the wrong people online, and I. M. Kierkegaard has many wise things to say (though he is not, I recently learned, Kierkegaard).
Of course my many true friends remain delightful, including Patrick Fitzgerald, Half Sigma, and Ollie.