Tuesday, November 08, 2005

International Roundup

Today in Australia, the police have arrested sixteen terror suspects.

Tomorrow the British Parliament will be voting to allow the police to detain terror suspects for 90 days without charge.

Silly Australians.

Silly British.

You don't need to announce it when you arrest terror suspects. You don't need a law to keep them in jail for as long as you want. You just leave it to me.

Sheesh. When will you ever learn?


Anonymous said...

Today in Australia, the police have arrested sixteen terror suspects...You don't need to announce it when you arrest terror suspects.

Well, actually they arrested them yesterday (I read about it last night) tomorrow (as the news item was dated the next day). Announcing it ahead of time - now that's prescient, that's how to deal with terra!

And You don't need a law to keep them in jail for as long as you want. Or, you can have law that keeps them there almost that long [Guardian via Google News]: Bin Laden's former driver, Salim Ahmed Hamdan, has been in U.S. custody four years...Arguments in the Hamdan case will be scheduled in time for O'Connor's successor to take part. Senate confirmation hearings are planned for January for Alito, who often has been deferential to government in his appeals court rulings. Ahem.

Harriet said...

And, just what constitutes a terror suspect?

I say it is anyone who voices disagreement with us!!!

Freedom means the right to what you want, within the bounds of what we allow you to do. :-)

Stuff like the rights to see the evidence against you is just so "quaint".

Oh wait; this isn't A. G.'s blog...sorry...heh heh...

Patrick J. Fitzgerald said...

Sam, Sam, Sam, how would you feel if son of Sam was jailed without due process or basic rights?

Harriet said...

Mr. Fitzgerald, if the Son of Sam were one of those treasonist, blame America First, Barbara Boxer loving liburals, then FINE.

We are at WAR darn it, and our leaders must not be quesitoned.

Now if he were one of those God Fearing, America Loving, make all the money you can Conservatives, then heck yeah, he needs due process! That's what the Constitution says, right?

Patrick J. Fitzgerald said...

"son" is in lower case...I was referring to Sam's "son"

SamuelAlito said...

I say lock him up. The kid has been nothing but trouble to me.

Harriet said...

Mr. Fitzgerald:

oh oh, I guess that I am revealing my age in that I know who the Son of Sam is...heh heh...

now if you'd just lock up some of these drunken college students who roam our streets at 2 am while singing loudly...

Gyrobo said...

The only way to protect yourself from the people who hate you is to put all your money into pork barrels. Spend! Spend! Spend!