As you know, I prefer
live theatre. But last night I just had to tune in. The movie that raked in all those awards made me think of
Jon Kyl and how sweet he was to me last week.
Plus he's from the rugged western state of
Arizona, where men are men and wear cool hats like the one I wore when I visited him last.
Sir, you have a thing for bad toupees?
I can fully understand why the Mrs. doesn't hold your attention.
But forget Kyl. Go with Boxer or Landrieu instead. Besides you can make these two get you coffe; Kyl probably wouldn't do that.
er.."coffee"...tee hee...
Ollie, are you crazy suggesting those harlets and vixens, Boxer and Landrieu? Judge Alito should get Dianne Feinstein cause she is far more supportive of our great leader and would be easier to train.
Great leader? To whom are you referring?
Bush?! I agree with Gore for once. He is the worst president we've ever had. He is no leader though.
Sam, do you still ride your horse side saddle?
Stonesoup: of course our President is the best we've ever had!!! Look at his last SCOTUS nominee!!!!
A conflict of interest prevents me from saying if the current nominee is the BEST possible choice or the second best choice... :-)
Ollie, you aren't yourself anymore. I thought that you were over Harriet and the blue eye-shadow.
I am getting concerned about you...
As for Stonesoup, it is clear that he has a lot to learn.
Mr. MacDonald, I know my place. When we have an appearance of a conflict of interest, those of us who aren't chosen by the Almighty are expected to recuse ourselves!
And what I am supposed to do when Dear Leader says that two nominees are the "most qualified" available? It all makes my head hurt.
Ollie, I understand your confusion as I was initially a unwavering supporter of Harriet, that is until she recused herself from the nomination. Once she had been replaced, my support for Judge Alito was unwavering.
I want to thank you for directing my attention to the link to the Dear Leader. No longer will I have to pray for his divine inspiration. I can read it on the web.
Sir, I really thought that your infatuation with Senator Kyl was a bit out of place given your political leanings. But the I saw this.
So, as usual, you are ahead of the curve.
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