Looks like we finished early, so
tomorrow's plan is back on track. The bad guys are going to try and pull some last-minute tricks (I hear
TJ Colatrella is on the newly-circulated witness list). But everything else seems in place for my ascention to unfettered power.
See you all Monday. Until then, play the course as you find it, and the ball where it lies.
Be careful not to catch pneumonia in this blustery weather since you are in the homestretch...unless the Democrats stall the vote and then Karl and Dick get indicted...that would bode badly on your confirmation momentum. ;)
If it weren't for Fitz and those meddling kids, I'd have gotten away with it too!
Actually, Karl and Dick might help out in the long run, as Sam, er, the Right Honorable Mr. Alito merely lied and evaded questions; it isn't as if he took long trips to play golf at anyone else's expense or anything. And it sure beyond doubt that anyone gave his wife fancy clothes and/or expensive jewlery.
Er, make that "no one". :-)
Ollie, I checked out the fancy clothes link and it was truly hilarious! Thank you. Ouch and HA HA!
Thanks for pointing out the press on the site. As for what's next, it seems that the leading candidate has already put her best foot forward.
PS - Really loved "Bridge over Troubled Water."
Good job, Alie, getting that wife of yours to cry at just the right time. Make those mean ol' boy democrats look mean and old. Now the field's clear for you to take women's bodies away from them for good. God pulled Eve out of Adam so that she would give him children. Those godless liberals who say it's slavery to take her body away from her for nine months for the good of all, well, they just don't understand the bible. Hell, forget nine months. You get a couple more on the bench, you can put women back in their place lifelong. Eve is Adam's rib, after all, and she belongs to him. I am so proud of you for getting yourself elected to that bench! God bless you. God bless America! God bless this blog! I'll be praying for you to do the right thing, now. The right thing. So don't forget, son.
Thanks Pat!
Hi Andrew Case!
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