Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Why are they letting the girl talk?

Diane Feinstein asks me whether I meant it when I said that stare decisis is not the be-all and end-all. Like I'd even want to be a judge if I couldn't eventually exercise ABSOLUTE POWER.

Can I also say for the record that I'm really beginning to hate John Roberts? Everyone is saying how great his hearings were, how they weren't even boring, and even the democrats like him. I really don't look forward to bringing him coffee until John Paul Stevens dies.

this message sent via BlackBerry handheld at 3:21 pm


Harriet said...

"I really don't look forward to bringing him coffee until John Paul Stevens dies."

Dammit, isn't that what giving clerkships to females are for? Besides, couldn't you hire Harriet as a "gofer"?

SamuelAlito said...

Alas, Ollie, the newest justice of the court has to get coffee and close the door for everyone. Breyer has been doing it for what seems like forty years.

And, traditionalist that I am, I can't see myself skirting my duties.

pramahaphil said...

Schumer is a schmuck. I feel for you because of the torture these self-agrandizing idiots try to force on you.

Anonymous said...

Just as long as it's Alito's Bold Justice Blend....